On days I don’t have to go somewhere to work, and the weather isn’t too bad, I like to tromp through the woods with our three dogs. I hear it’s quite trendy right now. They call it forest bathing I think. The way we do it the bathing happens in the creek, or sometimes with the hose in the yard! We call our version “slippin’ through the holler”, like Dooley in the old bluegrass song. Now walking in the woods with dogs isn’t like a serene walk whole communing with nature spirits, this is more like a ridiculous romp with the most unruly kids you know, until they’ve run themselves out a bit. The excitement starts when they catch me putting on my boots or see me grab my hat. We live in the hill country of North Mississippi. When we go into the woods its a descent from our house situated on a hill. For us, it is descending in to a world of stopped time, with or without our canine companions. Its a world that is always there, waiting to inspire and replenish, if you let it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love our walks without dogs too, but they’re different. To walk in the woods with dogs is an opportunity to witness pure joy. You’re probably gonna see less wildlife with this troop. I don’t get to linger too long because I try to keep them moving and not harassing the wildlife that is hiding from them. Now if a rabbit should cross our path its an instant and hilarious calamity. Cue up “Foggy Mountain Breakdown” or “Yakety Sax!” Each dog enjoys it in their own way. We brought our dogs with us from our lives in the city. Like us , they’re mutts. The boys came from the Memphis pound. We got them together and still consider it a good move. Then our daughter found 3 puppies in the street. That’s when Loretta, our little lady of rootin’ tootin’ came to shake things up! So without further ado let’s meet the staff!

Zipper Doodle
Given name Zero. Somehow our most serious boy ended up with the goofiest name. We think he may be an escaped military experiment because we’ve never known another dog that tracks planes across the sky (among other suspicious anomalies)! This guy would go native given a chance. His woods style is on the hunt and strictly business.

Named after one of my favorite songwriters Townes VanZandt, this guy is not near as melancholy as his namesake. We call him our handsome hound. He’s a pretty gregarious fellow who loves naps and dinners with friends. We imagine he has genteel Faulkneresque mannerisms and will someday run for office. His woods style is laid back strolling.

This little pit mix bundle of sweetness and stone cold killer is a wonder to behold in the forest! The little dog that cowers under mommas chair during storms flys up, down and over the hills with no regard for her own safety or the laws of physics! Her woods style is straight up insanity!
So glad you got to meet the Blackfeather exploration and security team! We look forward to sharing our adventures with you!
– Tony